This is the "official" answer to "What advice can you give me on how to prepare for the GRE"?.
The answer is "Nothing"!
I skimmed the Barron's guide vocabulary section and the (16 iirc) sections (in the same guide) for the quantitative section to refresh my memory one day before the exam. I was overloaded with work then and had no time to prepare.
My exam was scheduled for 8 o clock in the morning and I was awake till about 05.00 working on a program. Since I got only about 2 hours of sleep, I was in this weird half asleep/awake state, which had the effect that I was totally relaxed and did not have the bandwidth to track the time remaining etc. I just answered each question as it came up. I got the very last question in the quantitative section wrong because for the first and only time I checked the clock and found I had like 3 seconds to answer and so I panicked and randomly clicked an answer(which turned out to be wrong). Oh well.
Beyond the above I have nothing to say on the GRE. Don't bother asking.
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