I wrote the GRE a few days ago.
Scores -
- quant- 790/800
- verbal 800/800 (heh!)
- Analytical Writing -
awaited (I am not too worried about this).- 6.0/6.0
I am going through the annual "Should I apply for this year or next year, MS or PhD, Applied mAths or CompSci? " dance.
Choices .. choices ..
I'm preparing to take the GRE myself. Can you tell me how the math section was and any pointers in preparing?
That is a great score.
@the cases,
The math section was typical. nothing special. just like you see on a sample test.
As to pointers in preparing, I didn't do much prep.Just brushed up some trigonometric formulae, which had gotten rusty.
Good Luck with the exam.
Thanks dude.
800 in verbal!!!!!!!!!!!!!..thats amazing...
Hey Ravi,
Awesome scores...great going!
Arif :-)
Ravi, I don't know you personally, but based on some of your previous blog postings, I really think you should go for it. It seems to me that it's something you really want to do deep down inside, and I think if you don't go for it, you'll regret it.
Sometimes in life, you just have to take a leap of faith and hope for the best. Even if it doesn't work out in the end, it's better than the thoughts of what may have been.
My oprah-like two cents :)
Great Scores! All the best.
Thanks for the nudge!
I am in no doubt as to whether to go through a PhD or not. What is not yet decided is the timing :-)
I've been working steadily the last few years to "raise my level" to a point where I can make real contributions to whatever field I work in (vs just grinding through the requirements and getting a paper stating I have a PhD). I know too many people from India who get an MS or in some cases a PhD without really learning anything or advancing the state of knowledge in a field.
The uncertainity is about *when* to do a PhD not "whether".
I have to strengthen my research (vs purely technical) skill. Think reseracher/scientist/mathematician vs programmer/sw developer.
I've made some progress on this this year but not as much as I'd like. I plan to rectify this in 2007/8.
Life is good :-D
Hi Ravi,
You mention "I've been working steadily the last few years to "raise my level" "
Can you share with us, how you have been doing this?
Great scores and good blogs !!!
That sentence ("levelling up") is about a focus on improving my science/maths/reearch skills. The first two are hopefully self explanatory. The third is about how you apply what you know to solve interesting problems (which haven't been solved before). This article is a good introduction to the idea. It is a little academia/Ai specific but you can mentally subtract those concepts.
Thanks Ravi. :)
scanning through a few of your earlier posts, you seem to have an interest in programming languages.
yet you're not sure on which field to advance ? you believe the programming languages of today are as good as they can be ?
Great blog Ravi. You have exceptional writing skills. How did you manage to develop such a rich active vocabulary? I take pride in having a rich vocabulary, but it is mostly passive. I can score good in vocab tests, i needn't refer the dictionary while reading...but still i am not able to get the right words at the right time while speaking or writing. How does one "activate" one's passive vocabulary ? Please be kind enough to share your thoughts.
I don't do anything to "activate" my vocabulary. I used to be a debater/public speaker during my student days but that was all.
And fwiw, i don't think of myself as much of a writer. (This is not false modesty. I know many people who are at least 10 times better)
Excellent score! This calls for a celebration. Let me know when.
Hi Ravi
congrats for your score.
what is ur plan now?
What happened to the 10 marks for quant ?
Good grades!
How you got such a great verbal mark?!
Hi Ravi!!
Was introduced to ur blog via AIMA java thingy!!Though it may take ages to digest the stuff there( :( Im not a geek liku u ),ur work shud b deemed da best for AI course!!Thanx for pointing me towards Norvig's site - I loved it!!Are u a student still?Why did u write GRE after all the accomplishments u made??
Hi Ravi
Congrats ! Great scores!! I am also planning to take a test can u give me a brief on how to prepare for verbal and developing writing skills.
I didn't "prepeare" for teh evrbal section at all. I brushed up on the quant formulae. That's all.
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